Golden Rule Generations
Since the beginning in 1954, Golden Rule Brake has been a family run business. Read more about our history here. We are now in our 3rd generation and it is not too early to begin developing generation #4. Current owners, Dallas Low and his wife Tanya, have four children, Bethlehem, Jeremiah, Ember and Liberty. This page is designed for you to get to know the family. Enjoy!

Bethlehem Low
Beth is the oldest and is an excellent example to her younger siblings. She has a missionary heart, spending portions of both 2019 and 2020 as a missionary serving the people of Haiti.

Jeremiah Low
Jeremiah is a passionate young man with a focused and intense love for God.
He loves music and is an excellent drummer!

Ember Low
Ember is a singer and a sweet soul that loves God and has a deep affection
for people.

Liberty Low
Liberty is the youngest and an absolute joy to her parents. She discovers new things every day and makes Dallas & Tanya feel young again! 😉
(Knowledge of Influentially Substantial Significance)
During the summer of 2020, the Low family are taking advantage of the extra time together during the Covid-19 lockdown. Dallas describes it this way: “I have decided that my kids need to understand the past better. We need to know where we've been to understand where we are. So, all year our kids will be exposed to historically important music, movies, cultural milestones, etc. that represent Knowledge of Influentially Substantial Significance..."KISS".”
We kicked things off with Little Richard! As many of you know Little Richard died today. We listened to a little Tutti Frutti! The kids were shocked that someone was still alive from the birth of rock and roll.

Tonight we listened to Beethoven's 5th Symphony. Did the kids like it? Yes! Jeremiah said the movement of the instruments sounded like a conversation between people. Beth said it's just like today's music in that it communicates something with purpose, just in a different way.

Today is May 18th, 2020. It's been 40 years since Mount Saint Helens blew. I was 8 years old. That day, my parents scooped up some of the ash in medicine bottles. Check out the pictures.

Today we took a trip back to January 1st, 2000 and discussed the terrifying possibilities of Y2K! The kids were confused about why we all thought that planes would fall out of the sky and nuclear missiles would be launched accidentally. :-) Ember's expressions pretty much tell the story. I also discovered that the newspaper itself provided some fun. Bethlehem Low said, "It's a real life newspaper! It's like a giant book except they forgot the binding."

Folks, this was a tough one for the kids. I encourage you to watch this movie, Selma. It details Martin Luther King's March from Selma to Montgomery Alabama in 1965. As a Christian, my heritage is intertwined with the Jews. From Egypt enslavement to Nazi extermination, Jews and African-Americans have a common struggle. This gives me a great deal of empathy for what black Americans faced under slavery and Jim Crow.

Today for the first time ever we read the Declaration of Independence together as a family. I urge everyone to take a few minutes and read the document and put yourselves in the shoes of those brave men.
Dallas Low

Today is the 51st anniversary of the moon landing. I highly encourage everyone to watch this documentary on Apollo 11. The kids were on the edge of their seats. It's nearly impossible to believe that it was only 66 years from the Wright Brothers to the Moon!

JAZZ! JAZZ! JAZZ! Today it was Miles Davis and Dave Brubeck. One of the kids said it was the best K.I.S.S. yet. Another one said the drums sounded like a monkey was beating on them. I won't tell you who made the monkey comment but it was NOT the five year old.
Since the summer of 2020 I have been exposing our kids to historically important music, movies, cultural milestones, etc. that represent Knowledge of Influentially Substantial Significance..."KISS". Parents, I encourage you to "KISS" your kids today. They will be better for it!

K.I.S.S. #9 (Knowledge of Influentially Substantial Significance). The Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah is hands down the greatest piece of music ever written!!! What a blessing to share this song with the kids today. Of course, they've heard it before but we played it really, really, really loud! The Christopher Hogwood recording from 1980 is by far our favorite. Definitely give it a listen this Christmas season.
Since the summer of 2020 I have been exposing our kids to historically important music, movies, cultural milestones, etc. that represent Knowledge of Influentially Substantial Significance..."KISS". Parents, I encourage you to "KISS" your kids today!